An Indiana high school is making a bold move to create a safer environment for students — they’ve banned students from carrying bags including purses, during the school day. Female students are upset about the changes.

(P)arents say the bag ban has actually part of the policy here for about three years. It’s just being enforced now. Students are buzzing about a rule at the school that bans purses.

“It’s kind of stupid,” said junior Natalie Goetz.

They say the principal made an announcement on the first day of school notifying students that all purses — and backpacks, for that matter — would have to be left in lockers.

“They said that it was a threat to the students,” Goetz said. “And that they needed to stay in the lockers.”

“People even got yelled at for carrying fanny packs and too big of a pencil holder, which is ridiculous,” said sophomore Emily Brown.

Kathryn Griffin has to return to her locker to get things she normally keeps in her bag, including personal hygiene items.

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