Your teens are on the cusp of monumental change. They’re about to wade through the miry swamp of choosing whether they’re going to college and which one they’re going to attend. But that’s not all. Then, they will go!

Hopefully you and the teens’ parents have done a great job discipling your kids for the transition. Inevitably, though, questions will come up that no one has thought to address. These two huge, excellent books cover just about anything you can imagine. Survival Guide comes from a strongly biblical perspective wrapped in a less religious skin. It deals mostly with the intensely practical: car maintenance, finances, party etiquette and civil duties among dozens of other topics.

Welcome addresses some of the practical issues, but is really a primer for living the Christian life independently. Each chapterette gives a helpful content summary for quick reference and further resources to check out. Morrow gives a fairly strong complementarian presentation in his chapters on men and women. Both books are wonderful and holistic, but ask yourself whether your teen needs more guidance on the religious or the day-to-day life side, and give accordingly.

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