One Small Barking Dog: How to Live a Life That’s Hard to Ignore
Ed Gungor
Howard Publishing, 2010, 208 pp., $19.99,

Have you ever desired to be famous and influential—to make a real difference in the world by exercising your power and prestige?

Ed Gungor has written a book hoping to inspire you to make a substantial difference no matter how ordinary you or your life might be. He assures his readers that people who change the world are not always rich, powerful or famous. He wants to encourage and inspire even the smallest and most ordinary people to make a substantial difference.

Using verses such as “the greatest among you will be your servant,” Gungor creates an esteem-building picture of how the least of people can make a big impact by being relentless and tenacious, much like his small terrier Frank.

Barking Dog’s message of “it’s OK to be ordinary” may come across a little like a self-help book; but the theology is sound, and the message is true.

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