One Cross, One Way, Many Journeys: Thinking Again About Conversion
David Greenlee
Authentic, 2007, 177 pp., $12.99,

In a globalized and pluralist world, voices like David Greenlee’s become necessary. One Cross, One Way, Many Journeys blends anthropology, evangelism, theology, missiology and cultural study in a way that gives substance and strength to Greenlee’s message. Twenty-five years of ministry in 70 countries gives it texture and illustration.

The days are far behind us when one had to travel to encounter different worlds. Diversity abounds. It is in our backyards and on our social networking sites. This can be a good thing, to be sure. However, we need a framework like what Greenlee offers in order to faithfully, intelligently and respectfully engage the differences around us.

You can be sure he doesn’t take the easy road. He explores the potentially explosive topic of conversion, drawing readers to see the goal, purpose and unity in our many Godward journeys.

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