By Kent Dobson
Zondervan, 2014, 1,888 pp., $49.99

It’s difficult to make the case for owning yet another Bible, especially when so many online resources can supplement anything you might be looking for. Kent Dobson’s offering of the NIV First-Century Study Bible is an exceptional reason to make a purchase, as the various studies, maps, charts and more provide commentary that speaks to new and seasoned Christians. Each supplement amplifies a behind-the-scenes perspective from the context of Jews and early Christians, giving readers a solid pathway to deepen their confidence in Scripture.

This translation is the latest version of the NIV, meant to speak God’s Truth into contemporary language. This is arguably ironic as the goal of Dobson’s studies is to get back to the original language and context. Another potential hurdle might be the Bible’s small font size, especially for older readers. Still, this Bible is easily a great gift or investment for anyone. My personal recommendation would be to give it to high school graduates as they emerge into young adulthood and want to take personal ownership of their faith.

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