Navigating Route 20-Something: A Lifemap for the Road Ahead
Erin Keeley Marshall
Harvest House, 187 pp., $10.99,

Erin Keeley Marshall, 30-something, offers encouragement and guidance to approaching adulthood with godly intentions. In each of the 20 short, easy-to-read chapters, she surveys a personal and biblical story to establish life lessons on broad topics, such as dreams, interruptions, teachability, prayer and death by comparison.

Like signposts, the chapters point in the right direction but lack detail, so the reflection questions prove crucial to any person or group hoping to apply the rubber of Marshall’s general advice to the road of real life. Exercises like verbalizing how one’s views on romance have changed through the years, or putting individual definitions of success into words, provide a way forward and start readers sketching their own maps to otherwise mythical destinations like Growing-in-Love and Balance-in-Life.

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