With the start of a new school year comes a lot of fall fun — football games, homecoming, new classes, and back to school clothes. For us girls, however, it can also be a time of a lot of girl drama. A new set of classes can mean a new set of friends. Homecoming creates arguments about which guy will take which girl and who will go in what group with whom. These life events, though wonderful and full of fun, can leave us feeling left out, hurt, or not included. On the other hand, maybe you are the girl who is making others feel this way. After all, you’re just trying to fit in, too. You don’t want to get knocked out so you push others out first.

How can we avoid becoming wrapped up in all this drama? How can we hold on to good friendships even though things change? The answer is daily prayer. It may sound too simple. It may seem as if the answer doesn’t fit the problem at all, but we find the answer in one of the most popular Psalms of all time, Psalms 23 “You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies. You anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows. Surely Your goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the LORD forever.”

For those who thought Scripture was outdated and meant for people who lived a long time ago, re-read that verse and let God speak to you. The psalmist David is telling us God overflows his cup with goodness and love every day. God can do that for you, too. You must bring your cup to Him and allow Him to pour into you. Take time to get up in the morning and let God fill your cup — not just a tiny paper cup, but a super-sized kind of cup. Even that God can fill to the point of overflowing.

How does this relate to the original issue — friendships and girl drama? If God has filled our cup, each and every morning before school, you won’t be looking for others to fill our cup. You see, if God isn’t filling a cup for you, it means you are asking someone — friends, family, boyfriends, etc. — to fill that cup for you. You’re asking the people in your life to pour in an amount of goodness, joy and love that only God can pour. Those people always will fail. They can’t even come close. You will walk around feeling empty or half-full because you are searching for fulfillment in the wrong places. When God fills your cup, it allows for you to be free to accept kindness from others. Anything extra just adds to the cup of blessings. It also allows for you to handle not getting invited to the best party or not sitting by your friends from last year at lunch. No one can take away from what God has given you. You will find a new strength to stand above drama because of the graces God pours out on you in your prayer time. It may still sting, but the hurt will be lessened because you have received all you truly need from the Lord. This school year, make a commitment to let God overflow your cup each and every day.

Activity: Go to the store and pick out a cup or a water bottle that says something about you, or find one to decorate/personalize. Bring this cup with you to your prayer time and to remind you to let God and nothing/no one else fill you.

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