Mile Markers: A Path for Nurturing Adolescent Faith
Denise McKinney
Youth Specialties, 2009, 160 pp., $14.99

Duffy Robbins suggests that incarnational leadership requires us to be more signpost than salesperson, someone walking alongside adolescents helping them find the way rather than feeling the need to “make the sale” by securing another conversion. Denise McKinney provides parents and youth workers with some insight and practical ideas that will help make that purpose a reality.

Full of personal stories illustrating each principle, as well as insightful focus questions at the end of each chapter, this book will help readers reflect on their own experiences while clarifying ways to guide students on their journeys. A CD also is included that contains full explanations of the program ideas and ready-made handouts where needed. This would be a great resource to work through as a ministry team or give as a gift to parents.

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