Donald L. Griggs and Charles D. Myers Jr.
Westminster John Knox Press, 2010, 116 pp., $12.95,

Like bringing biblical scholars and teachers into your home or youth room for personal instruction, this study communicates the essence of this gospel for the lay person. A new addition to The Bible from Scratch series, the study provides an in-depth look at the Book of Mark, yet assumes no prior knowledge of the subject matter.

Written for those who have little background in the Bible but desire to learn, this study is the perfect introduction. Divided into two sections, the study provides a commentary by one of the leading New Testament scholars followed by a leader guide written by an authority in Christian Education. This is an excellent resource. With sound biblical exegesis, clear format with a thoughtful and challenging guide, this is perfect for the student and the leader desiring more than the candy-coated material often produced for use with youth.

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