Kregel, 2007, 162 pp., $11.99,

What youth worker has not been frustrated by students whose faith waxes or wanes based on whether or not they can feel God right now? Who hasn’t dealt with kids who live by “borrowed convictions”? Whether they got them from their parents or their youth pastor, kids tend to grasp belief systems that they have been “raised in” without taking faith seriously and making it personal. Through six short, surprisingly deep and probing sections and their coordinating five daily devotions, Making It Real attempts to lead its teenage audience to a personal and living faith.

Completing 30 daily devotions may be an unrealistic expectation for many students, but then again, the goal of Christ-likeness requires a serious effort. Suzanne Eller consistently refuses to water down that commitment. Using a variety of scripture and thought provoking questions, she offers teens much more than another philosophy. She presents a faith worth living for.

Review by Adam Griffin

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