Make Poverty Personal: Taking the Poor as Seriously as the Bible Does
Ash Barker
Baker Books, 2009, 203 pp., $14.99

Make Poverty Personal by Ash Barker is an absolutely critical read. This became real to me when it was sitting on my desk and somebody walked in, saw it and said, “That’s your problem. You think about the poor too much.” First, I didn’t know I had a problem. Second, I feel compelled to live like Jesus did—at the intersection of community and compassion.

By following the arc of the biblical narrative, Barker leads a sweeping expedition that will inspire and challenge. In addition to sound biblical exposition, Barker’s personal experience and deep conviction appear on every page. He is not an academic speaking from a distance; he and his family have served the poor with their very lives. He is not only responding to urgent and overwhelming needs but is thinking about what the Bible really says.

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