There is no doubt that Jesus drew people around Him. He was a magnetic personality. Others wanted to be in His presence, to talk to Him, to sit and listen to His teaching, to receive His insights. Jesus also drew people to His cause—people who shared the same vision and desires (even if they didn’t know it at first or failed to achieve it).

Youth ministry leadership also can be magnetic. According to John Maxwell (21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership), one important ingredient in the lives of effective leaders is magnetism. We tend to attract others who are most like us—or who share our same values and outlook.

In 30-plus years of ministry, I have discovered this to be true. A leader creates a community that is drawn to like-minded causes and goals. That is not to say that there may be outliers—those who do not share in the cause—but most people within your community likely are share a similar perspective or worldview.

Magnetism can be a a good thing. A magnet can be a strong force. When people come together and are moving toward one goal and vision, that is also a powerful thing.

Where are the magnetic forces in your ministry? Where do you see your teenagers coming together to fulfill a greater mission or goal? How can you lead to bring out the best in them?

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