Living at the Intersection of Contemporary Culture and the Biblical Story: An Introduction to Christian Worldview
Michael W. Goheen and Craig G. Bartholomew
Baker Academic, 2008, 224 pp., $19.99

Written for undergraduate students and lay people, this text “explores the questions of how Christians can live faithfully at the crossroads of the story of Scripture and postmodern culture.” This text provides in-depth definitions and topics for discussion for those seeking a better understanding of the definitions of worldview, modernity and postmodernity, as well as the role of Christianity within those definitions.

This is a solid text designed to help readers start digging into those questions. It is, however, prescriptive.

Most readers may benefit from knowing this is a messy subject with which many have struggled and have come to different conclusions; this may be the text to raise questions that would encourage the reader to go deeper.

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