Life Hurts, God Heals Leader’s Video Training Kit
Megan Hutchinson
Simply Youth Ministry, 2008, DVD, $39.00,

At the age of 14, Megan Hutchinson was raped. After coming to Christ, Megan cried out to God, “Don’t waste my pain!” Her Life Hurts, God Heals ministry is evidence of God’s response. It prepares healthy adults to serve as small-group shepherds for hurting junior- and high-school or college students.

The eight-step recovery process utilizes six basic tools. The training kit includes a CD with leader and participant guides, as well as other promotional materials. The actual “training” is found on two DVDs, which show Megan leading a workshop for potential leaders. The content includes student characteristics, issues of leadership and legal information.

DVDs that require the viewer to “listen in” as the speaker addresses another audience are not always the most engaging, but Megan’s upbeat communication style and the use of real-life stories make this training kit a useful resource.

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