Lead Vertically: Inspire People to Volunteer and Build Great Teams that Last
Craig Johnson
Regal Books, 2010, 224 pp., $17.99, RegalBooks.com

“Vertical leaders help others soar where eagles fly, not where the chickens grovel” declares Craig Johnson as he make a compelling case that volunteers not only need to feel successful—they must experience fulfillment. To accomplish this, leaders must build up and inspire with an upward-looking vision as they celebrate the gifts in leaders and bring out the best in each of them.

Johnson focuses on the importance of inspiring even amid conflict and building personal trust saying, “A vertical leader is inclusive and builds up whoever is willing to follow.” While disappointment is inevitable, hope always triumphs. Johnson offers good strategies to motivate leadership teams by casting a vision that the best days are always ahead. He repeatedly urges to “Keep looking up! You never know when God is going to drop something amazing into your lap.”

Lead Vertically offers a warm, passionate and humble approach to leadership that your ministry team should read together.

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