“Although I am the very least of all the saints, this grace was given to me” (Eph. 3:8).

Some months ago I was talking with a group of leaders when the question was asked, “What’s the strangest thing you have ever done for the kingdom of God?” I had to think about this for some time, but then realized I had once kissed a pig in order to raise money for missions. Indeed, this was a strange challenge, and one that I did not relish, but I helped raise hundreds of dollars for a greater purpose by my willingness to kiss a pig in public.

I’m not sure how far I would be willing to go today in order to make some work possible, but when it comes to youth ministry, we often have to rely on some strange or odd methods. You probably have some favorites, too…and to some others, your methods may seem like madness. Still, it is good to know God has a sense of humor when it comes to how we get things accomplished.

The apostle Paul once regarded himself as a fool for Christ’s sake. I’m sure that to his Pharisee friends and old buddies in the school, his new-found faith and methods must have seemed ludicrous. Yet he persisted and was willing to be all things to all people in order that he might win some to Christ.

You may not have to kiss a pig to grow a youth ministry, but you may have to do some things that are far from your comfort zone. You may have to learn some new technology, attend an out-of-the-way sporting event or don a chicken suit at the next Vacation Bible School. Regardless, your willingness will say a great deal, and be a witness to your teenagers, who may see in you the wonder and delight of faith.

Don’t think your strange ways are any stranger than what has come before. Just be sure to smile as you put on the roller skates or agree to wear the whipped cream. You might be demonstrating patience, joy, hope or love as you do it; and your teenagers will be watching. Have fun with your ministry, and you’ll have many other opportunities to share in much deeper ways.

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