Influencing Like Jesus: 15 Biblical Principles of Persuasion
Michael Zigarelli
B&H Publishing Group, 2008, 168 pp., $14.99,

The purpose of the book is to show readers biblical ways to be more persuasive. Through great examples and thorough examinations of what make people tick, Zigarelli gives some great tools and thoughts about how to influence others toward your goals. He writes about knowing and understanding your audience, finding common ground, and more, as well as identifying five key traits of being a godly influencer. On one hand, it’s a great book about how to persuade others.

On the other hand, as much as the author assures the reader this is not the case, it felt like tools for manipulating people—yes, toward godly ends, but manipulation nonetheless. Overall, it’s well written and researched and certainly will appeal to some, but I’m not a fan and won’t be passing around my copy.

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