Once upon a time, giving birth to a precious baby was gift enough. These days, though, some new moms also are getting extra perks for all their, um, labor. These gifts—tokens given by grateful dads who want to reward their partners for suffering through morning sickness and labor pains—are sometimes called “baby baubles” or “push presents.” They can range from jewelry to designer diaper bags and can be as extravagant as the daddy’s budget allows. According to a recent online survey by BabyCenter.com, 38 percent of new moms received some sort of gift after giving birth—and 55 percent of moms-to-be want one.

“It’s a way to honor a mother giving her emotions, body and hormones over to a baby for nine months, culminating in an experience which, when done naturally, redefines the meaning of pain,” says Sandra Miller of Arlington, Massachusetts. We presume she knows what she’s talking about. (New York Times)

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