Timothy S. Lane and Paul David Tripp
New Growth Press, 2008, 255 pp., $17.99, NewGrowthPress.com

Lane and Tripp have pooled their years of ministry experience to write a resource-rich textbook about how to deal with the core sin of all Christians: seeking fulfillment from something or someone other than Christ. This, they propose, is the key reason that many of us try and fail to change. Their solution? Apply the gospel not just to life in general, but to the details of our lives, as well.

A major strength of this book, secondary to its solid grounding in the gospel, is that it gives countless examples of people and problems we all recognize in our Christian circles (and in ourselves). Additionally, the authors offer many practical application points throughout, which alone are worth the price of the book. This is a theologically rich counseling textbook that helps readers put ideas into practice. I cannot recommend this resource highly enough.

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