It has been said that there are two types of people in the world: those who see the glass as half empty and those who see the glass as half full.

Viewpoint. Attitude. Outlook. These do have an impact in our youth ministries and the approaches we take. Neither, however, is necessarily wrong.

Half-empty leaders are those who are able to see the needs and deficiencies—what needs to be filled—in ministry. Those who hold this outlook often are gifted at identifying problems and working on solutions. Half-empty leaders have a knack for strategic planning, long-range goal setting, and mission. They are people who usually are pressing the organization forward, seeing the challenges that can be met through hard work and planning.

Half-full leaders, on the other hand, tend to be those who can identify the gifts in people, who see the potential of those who are already part of the organization. These leaders have a knack for encouragement and typically are gifted at growing people through opportunity and training. Many half-full leaders also have strong gifts in gifts assessment, conversation, and leadership placement.

Whether you feel you are a half-empty or a half-full leader, both certainly are needed in the church. In youth ministry, we also need many strong teenagers and adults in both roles.

Take a look at your glass this week. Which are you? How are you using your outlook to lead with your strengths?

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