Jonathan Merritt
FaithWords, 2010, 190 pp., $16.99,

“Going green” has become trendy, and Christians are climbing aboard. There are many writers talking about how to go green, but Green Like God is not a how-to book. It is a why-to book.

Merritt scours the Scripture and presents a simple and compelling case for our responsibility to the earth that God created and deeply loves. Many young people have strong passion for the environment. This is a great book for deepening their perspective for creation care as an act of service to God, grounding action in good theology.

Merritt begins with Scripture and concludes with brief descriptions of the current state of affairs and a reality check. The appendix also offers some good resources for next steps. I highly recommend this book to youth and adults and think it will spark some good discussion and deeper thinking about a very important and timely issue.

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