Words to Works Ministries is offering a spring break mission trip to sunny Jacksonville, Fla., where you can pack your swim wear for the beach and your loving heart to help children, the poor and needy. This trip will give relaxation, fun and a great way to minister to the hurting. Come on, bring your friends and experience beautiful beaches and astonishing needs in the course of a single week.

Words to Works has been hosting mission trips since 1997 and has just the trip for your spring break group. This perfect mix of fun and ministry will allow you the opportunity to feed the poor, provide recreation and love to thousands of children, touch the lives of underprivileged families through block parties, spend some time at the Atlantic Ocean and take trips to other Florida attractions.

The schedule for the 2010 Spring Break Mission Trips has been designed to maximize three things that are all very important to middle and high school students, college students, churches and groups of all sorts. Even senior citizens love this trip.

The schedule was first created to be easier: Nothing is too fast-paced, and there is time to sleep in and catch up on rest, stay up late studying for that midterm that is right after break or just hang out with the students and friends who are normally too busy to connect with at school and home.

Students and teams love having fun: There are plenty of organized activities to join so there is a lot of time in the schedule to hang out at the beach or do some fun activity around the city.

Students and teams want to be involved in and do something that is eternally meaningful. So the schedule gives participants blocks of intense ministry time with opportunities to be challenged and changed. Students’ hearts will be touched as they work with children who have wonderful hearts and a tons of energy. The block parties and feeding ministries will allow students to touch and make an impact on the children and their families as the students share their time and love with others.

The cost of the trip includes housing, food and a connection to the needy in Jacksonville. Cost is $175.00 per person. To talk to a staff member or request a promotional disk, call 904.742.6432 or e-mail Pastor Nick at WordsToWorks.com. Some videos of our mission projects can be found on YouTube.

Tentative Spring Break Schedule
Ministry projects can be changed as desired. Construction trips, sports camps mission trips, puppet team trips and many other ministry opportunities are available.

Arrive Late Afternoon:
“Get Ready Orientation”
Snack Provided

Breakfast Provided
10:00am-1:00pm     Feeding at a local soup kitchen
Lunch Provided

2:30pm-7:30pm     Preperation and implamation of Inner City Block Party
Dinner Provided

Evening off: (Recommended: Group activity: If instructional activities are desired, the Words to Works staff is qualified to give leadership or ministry-related workshops and training in various areas.)

Breakfast Provided
10:00am-1:00pm     Feeding at a local soup kitchen
Lunch Provided
Day Off (Recommended: The Beach or St. Augustine–The Words to Works staff can provide more information about both locations.)
Dinner on Own

Breakfast Provided
10:00am-1:00pm     Feeding and Praying with the Poor
Lunch Provided

2:30pm-7:30pm     Inner City Block Party
Dinner Provided
Evening Off

Breakfast Provided
10:00am-1:00pm     Feeding and Praying with the Poor
Lunch Provided

Afternoon Off

7:30pm–Dinner and Praise and Worship

Day Off
Check out and leave by 4:30pm


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