Jonathan K. Dodson and Matt Chandler
Crossway, 2012, 176 pp.,  $12.99

Jonathan Dodson’s Gospel-Centered Discipleship is a refreshing look at long-term, biblical, communal discipleship. This is not a quick read, which is OK because the material challenges us to think about our own discipleship journeys as much as how we disciple others. This is the kind of book you’ll want to have a pen, journal and highlighter ready because of the many great quotes and ideas he shares. This is not a how-to book which would greatly diminish the core topic, but a how-to-be book.

Dodson writes with a deep passion as one who has experience the pitfalls of legalistic and licentious discipleship and beckons us to a truer perspective of our spiritual lives. Gospel-centered discipleship puts the focus of discipleship on Jesus, where it should be rather then on us. There are plenty of crunchy process and program pieces for youth workers to work into their philosophy of discipleship with youth, especially the Fight Club accountability groups.

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