Regal, 2007, 296 pp., $17.99,

God on Mute takes a refreshingly honest and hopeful look at the difficult and often un­discussed topic of suf­fering and unanswered prayer. Using Jesus’ betrayal, death, burial, and resurrection as a framework, author Pete Greig adds his own experiences of co-founding the 24-7 Prayer community, lessons from unanswered prayers for his wife’s health, and inspirational stories from others to create a thought-provoking, compelling, and theologically grounded resource. 

Greig gracefully confronts and processes some of life’s toughest questions and in the end is led to the bold conclusion that, “The greatest miracle in the world—greater than any healing or any revelation—is the grace unleashed by a life refined through suffer­ing.” With several appendices included to guide you along the way, this is a tool that will help you authentically engage your own questions and prayers or walk alongside a friend or two in a time of suffering.



Review by: Joe Cilek



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