God on Campus: Sacred Causes and Global Effects
Trent Shepherd
InterVarsity Press, 2009, 204 pp., $16.00

Reading Trent Sheppard’s work on the history of God’s movement on college campuses makes me want to go back and relive history. The way Shepherd chronicles the work of God’s Spirit in the lives of individuals is compelling reading, and he entices one to imagine what God might be up to next. With great care, Trent walks his readers through instance after instance of God doing something remarkable with the lives of students who are open to His work and ends each chapter with thought-provoking questions on how God might work similarly today.

British revivalist Trent Varley once said to Dwight Moody, “The world has yet to see what God will do with and for and through and in and by the [person] who is fully and wholly consecrated to Him.” In Trent Shepherd’s book, we begin to see a glimpse of what could be.

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