First Place 4 Health
Carole Lewis with Marcus Brotherton
Regal from Gospel Light, July 2008, 224 pp., $19.99

First Place 4 Health: Begin with Christ
Regal from Gospel Light, July 2008, 224 pp., $19.99

First Place 4 Health: Group Starter Kit
Regal from Gospel Light, July 2008, $199.99

First Place 4 Health: Member’s Kit
Regal from Gospel Light, July 2008, $99.99

Youth-group pizza parties catching up with you? Face the truth: It’s tough to keep up with teenage metabolisms. First Place 4 Health can help you trim your waistline as you bring four areas of life (physical, spiritual, emotional and mental) into balance.

The strength of this revised program is that it is firmly grounded in Scripture. Members will delve into the Bible with daily study and weekly memory verses. Members provide support and accountability for one another. The program is not a quick fix. The creators ask for a one-year commitment to break free of bad habits, submit to God’s plan for health and re-balance their lives.

The program isn’t cheap: Each member will pay $99.99 for a kit, which is chock full of resources, including three books, two DVDs, a prayer journal, a food pocket guide and a tote bag. Participants also need to purchase Bible-study guides. The first study (Begin with Christ) costs $19.99 and includes 12 weeks of Bible study, so members will have to buy three additional studies to get through the year’s commitment.

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