A study by PEW shows that not only are teenagers producing more content on the web, but it also sheds light on the differences in content habits between boys and girls.



Pew’s findings show the following:



Content creation by teenagers has grown by 10% since 2004.



64% of online teenagers between the ages of 12 to 17 create content on the web.



Girls (30%) like to blog more than boys (20%).



Girls (54%) like to share more images than boys (40%).



Boys (20%) share their videos online more than girls (10%).



47% of all teens place their content in public areas where others can see it, and 89% of those teens receive comments on their content.



The data clearly indicates that teens are using social networking sites at higher rates, creating in these venues at higher rates, discussing in these venues at higher rates and that there is a difference between what guys find valuable and girls find valuable.



All those looking to capture the hearts, minds, dollars, participation, and allegiance of teenagers might do well to take note.




(Mashable 12/19)




How do you cater to boys and girls differently within your ministry? What sorts of gender-specific ways do you use media in your ministry?



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