Thomas E. Bergler
Eerdmans Publishing, 2014, 176 pp., $20
True spiritual maturity that is gospel-centered and life-giving to others is difficult to find in America today. Economy, pressure, individualism, status and convenience all wage war against what it truly means to follow Christ in our day. Author Thomas Bergler rejoins the conversation in a follow-up title called From Here to Maturity. The author builds on a thesis that the youth ministry phenomenon in the Western world has set the pace and expectations for spiritual growth in a church context—for better or worse. This encourages believers of all ages to be more interested in contemporary, attractional models rather than biblical, formative ones. Packed full of trends, Scripture and the work of other formation writers, Bergler identifies 34 specific faith characteristics of adolescents that mature into a vital faith in adulthood. He also guides readers through the assessments and planning needed to create the context in which this faith formation can happen. From Here to Maturity breaks down what is expected of a church, youth ministry, senior leaders, households and youth leaders to make it happen.

The book echoes the findings and research of other works such as Willow Creek’s Reveal, but sets itself apart as it offers insight into how life-stage ministries effect one another, and the author sheds light on the important faith needs of emerging adults, which often is overlooked in other resources. One misstep in the holistic approach is the exclusion of the crucial childhood stage of spiritual growth. Regardless, Berger’s work will spark smart and transformational plans for discipleship in a local church context. For maximum impact, I encourage senior leaders, discipleship teams and youth workers to read it together!

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