And the three men fell down, bound, into the blazing fire (Dan. 3:23, NRSV).

Bring a group of youth leaders together and they will often describe ministry as “in the trenches,” “spiritual warfare” or as “the fiery ordeal.” Indeed, youth ministry is often positioned on a precarious slope—somewhere between no-respect and admiration. Many times youth leaders can find themselves on the hot seat.

There’s something to be said for youth leaders being the strongest and most resilient leaders in church. In addition to walking across the hot coals of uncertainty when it comes to senior leadership and church boards, youth pastors also must staunch the flames of adolescence while keeping the spirit burning. There has to be a fire in the belly, but one doesn’t like to be stomping out the fires set by others. No youth leader appreciates the person who carries the gasoline can and a match, the one who is eager to fuel a controversy or fan the coals higher.

Youth ministry can feel like this sometimes: fiery, hot, horrific.

Daniel is a great read for anyone engaged in youth ministry. Daniel is a book born of adversity, and even in the tough times there is the reminder that God is with us.

We also can’t overlook the fact that fires are better faced in the company of others. A team approach always helps. No one should have to face a fiery trial alone.
So, before the trials come, ask yourself:  Who’s on my team? Who would walk with me through the fire? What can I endure with the help of others? These are key questions for youth ministry. Sooner or later, there will be a fire. It may be something personal, pastoral or social. It could be a large problem or a series of smaller ones, but the fire will come.

What we have to ask ourselves is:  Will I have the faith and support to face the fire with God’s help?

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