You have options—lots of them. There are 850 camps affiliated with CCCA. Some are independent. Some are denominational. Some are affiliated with a ministry such as YoungLife or Youth for Christ. You can walk through a customizable search tool at, but give yourself a head start by answering these questions.

Do you want to stay close to home or head out of state? Reducing travel or staying within your denomination could help you keep costs down, but a little more distance can help kids leave their everyday struggles farther behind.

Are you looking for luxury or wanting your kids to rough it? Camps offer everything from wilderness treks to luxurious conference centers. Creature comforts can provide a stable base for your kids. Rugged environments can strip away distractions in unexpected ways. Group size and costs will play a big role in this decision, as well.

Do you want to share space or have your own? Again, group size may rule this decision. Plugging into a camp program for multiple youth groups provides new friendships and a sense of something bigger. Being the only group at a property brings can heighten the sense of seclusion and focus.

Want Help?
Learn more and find a camp at, site of the Christian Camp and Conference Association.

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