Procter & Gamble and Wal-mart are promoting the sixith installment in their Family Movie Night initiative with their latest made-for-TV family movie, “Field of Vision,” premiering on June 11 at 8/7 on NBC.

“Field of Vision” blends mystery, intrigue and action with a memorable life lesson about the challenges and rewards of doing the right thing.

Through mysterious footage captured on an old video camera, star quarterback Tyler McFarland learns that some of his teammates have been bullying the new transfer student, Cory Walker. Aware that standing up for Cory might get his friends kicked off the team and cost the school the state championship, Tyler must choose between winning and doing what is right.

Key Values at Play in “Field of Vision:”
• Courage: Doing what you know to be right even when it is difficult or unpopular to do so
• Discernment: Exercising good judgment and making right decisions
• Accountability: Taking responsibility for your actions by being answerable to others
• Looking out for Others: Actively and intentionally working to include others and ensure their well-being
• Story’s Universal Truth: It takes courage to do the right thing

Click here for more information.

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