I want to show we can have the freedom to dress without rules, maintain our love for shopping, not get discouraged while shopping and satisfy our craving for style without sacrificing our integrity. When our hearts are akin to Christ’s, we’ll develop a pattern that surpasses every fashion!

I for one know it’s not always easy to go against the grain and set yourself apart from the crowd. Trust me, I’ve had to walk off sets that wanted me to promote less than modest wardrobes. As you read, I’ll be sharing how those decisions cost me huge campaigns, regular clients and future work. It didn’t make me popular, and it frustrated my clients and my agent, but God has been faithful to protect my career and my reputation.

Fashion should be fun, spontaneous and enable women to express themselves; but a good model (or role model) does not have to sacrifice her purity, dignity or worth on the altar of bad taste!

He says, “Therefore, I urge you, brothers, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God–this is your spiritual act of worship. Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is–His good, pleasing and perfect will” (Romans 12:1-2).

So there it is: God’s instruction for us to give our bodies to Him and for it to be a living and holy sacrifice. As we will learn in this study, God desperately cares about how we present ourselves. God’s Word goes on to say we are not to conform any longer to the pattern of this world. The New Living Translation phrases it, we should not “copy the behavior and customs of this world.” How’s that for specific? We aren’t supposed to be like, act like or even dress like the world around us. Does that mean we’re supposed to wear long, flowing robes or paper sacks? Or course not! But it doesn’t take long to see jpw the world dresses. We all know we live in a skin-is-in society and have heard, “Sex sells.” Those are the kinds of behaviors and customs the Bible is talking about.

This does not, however, mean we can’t dress fashionably or follow the trends (thank goodness!).  In fact, in Psalms 31, we learn of a lady who wears fine linen and is dressed in purple. That was one of the most expensive and trendy garments of her day! She was definitely fashion forward! I have no doubt she knew modesty was more significantly than her beautiful threads. These are some of the issues we’ll be discussing in this book. For now, as I mentioned before, our part starts with a heart willing to obey.

Maybe you picked up this book to read on your own or are reading this with a study group. Hopefully you’re truly interested in what the Bible says about modesty. Either way, God knew you were going to be here, and He has a message for you. God wants His best for our lives, and that includes how we represent Him and ourselves by the way we dress.

The purpose of obedience is not simply for us to follow certain rules…that’s called religion. The real purpose is to bring us into a better relationship with God…that’s freedom! Obeying God’s World doesn’t bind us; it sets us free!

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