Eco-Friendly Families
Helen Coronato
Alpha Books, 2008, 256 pp., $15.95,

If you are looking for a practical how-to on “greening” your family, this is the book for you.

For many, being “green” feels overwhelming, but Helen Coronato has just made it very easy. Besides covering all the typical areas of recycling, eating and driving, Coronato has created a year-long, month-by-month calendar of family activities to get you started. There are even fun recipes for everything from natural cleaning solutions to granola. Going green is truly a family affair; ideas for everyone from toddler to teen are included in this handbook.

Eco-Friendly Families is not written from a specifically Christian perspective and does not give a theological or biblical perspective on being eco-friendly; but for those who are committed to a Christian responsibility in creation care, this is a gem for getting started or continuing an environmentally thoughtful lifestyle. It is a valuable guide worth the price and will be a great “go-to” book on your reference shelf.

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