Does God Exist? Building the Scientific Case
Featuring: Dr. Stephen Meyer
Tyndale, 2010, 2 DVDs and booklet, $39.99,

Christian apologetics appears to have fallen out of favor. However, now more than ever young people need solid answers to combat the challenges they will face beyond high school. Focus on the Family has enlisted the help of Dr. Stephen Meyer, a founder of the intelligent design movement, to engage a classroom full of young people as he helps them wrestle with tough questions regarding faith and the Christian worldview.

Designed as curriculum for late high school or early college students, each of the 10 lessons comes complete with 25-minute DVD segment and discussion questions that guide participants to develop answers they own and can defend. Meyer engagingly and succinctly explains difficult scientific concepts teens can grasp.

Included with the material is a bonus video, The Toughest Test in College: Why Students Are Failing to Keep Their Faith on Campus, which explains some of the specific challenges college students face and introduces several who share their own stories of standing against significant persecution from academic faculty and administration.

One of our greatest responsibilities is to prepare students for periods of questioning with reasoned and rational explanations for faith. This series is well worth the investment.

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