Does God Exist? Building the Scientific Case (TrueU)
Focus on the Family, 2009, DVD with 10 30-minute lessons, $49.00

Focus on the Family has taken their Truth Project series and redesigned it for a new generation, calling it TrueU. In this first installment of the series, Dr. Stephen Meyer digs into the question, “Does God exist?” Tackling tough topics such as the “Big Bang,” Evolution versus Intelligent Design, and the Necessity of God, Meyer walks students through the clash between what the Bible says and what the world is saying.

Due to its deep content and lecture feel, be selective in the audience that you share this with. If you’ve got a group of teens or 20-somethings that wants to go deeper and would do well with lecture-style, this would be a great resource. I recommend this as a good addition to any student minister’s library.

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