The old chorus was right:

Jesus loves the little children,
All the children of the world,
Red and Yellow, Black and White,
They’re all precious in His sight,
Jesus loves the little children of the world.

But somehow it doesn’t go far enough.

Our world is changing. Within a generation, North America’s centuries-old white majority will be a thing of the past, and so-called racial minorities already make up a majority of the under-20 population in a quarter of America’s counties.

Still, the focus on race and colors keeps many of us from facing the fact there are many groups we routinely overlook and under-serve.

This issue of YouthWorker Journal represents our effort to help shine a light on the kids and groups in your community in need of your care and concern, including immigrants, foster kids, the deaf, the disabled, the incarcerated and those who struggle with mental illness and psychiatric medications.

Maybe you have a picture in your mind of the kinds of kids God has called you to serve. If so, the articles that follow are intended to challenge you as you reach out to kids who don’t fit into your tidy ministry model.

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