R. Kent Hughes and W. Carey Hughes
Crossway, 2012, 180 pp., $14.99

This is the fourth book in the Hughes’ Disciplines Series that began with Disiciplines of a Godly Man by R. Kent Hughes and includes Disciplines of a Godly Woman by Barbara Hughes and Disciplines of a Godly Family by Barbara and R. Kent. In this latest addition to the series, R. Kent is joined in authorship by his son W. Carey. They’ve taken much of the same wisdom from the other books in the series and this time tailored it to apply specifically to young men.

Disciplines of a Godly Young Man covers a wide variety of virtues and disciplines, including the disciplines of purity, perseverance and prayer. There are several other topics it covers that are profound in scope and wisdom, including the disciplines of friendship, witness and perhaps most striking, the discipline of the tongue. These disciplines, among others, each fill their own chapters. There are 16 chapters of wisdom, concluding with a section titled “Food for Thought” and an “Application/Response” suggestion.

If you are looking for a concise but meaty resource for leading young men, this will be a spectacular resource for you. This is a perfect book for a one-on-one or small group discipleship group of guys.

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