“Whoever is faithful in a very little is faithful also in much” (Luke 16:10)

Years ago when I was in college, I held a summer job working for a gas company. My job began simply enough, with a can of gasoline, a push lawnmower, and instructions to keep the grounds looking nice. During the course of weeks, the boss came round later and handed me the keys to a riding lawn mower. I had graduated from push to ride—having shown dependability and promise. A few weeks after this, he handed me the keys to a truck and asked me to pick up some materials at a local lumber yard. By the end of the summer, I was driving a commercial flatbed, double-clutching my way across the county and bringing supplies to other company locations.

I have never forgotten the lessons I learned that summer…and Jesus spoke often of them.

When it comes to ministry—and life in general—we must always begin with the simplest of tasks and work our way up. Like a sports team, we first have to master the basics before we can graduate to the more complex nuances of the game. If we have not mastered the basics, there is no way we can handle the more complex aspects of a game.

Ministry his much like this, too.

Our faith always begins, as does our service, with those small acts of helpfulness and assistance. In time, we are given more responsibility if we show dependability and promise. Later we may be called upon to lead.

Jesus understood these principles very well. Whoever is faithful over a very little is also faithful over much! How true, and how fitting. As you consider the people who are a part of your youth ministry, who is ready for a step up to greater responsibility? Which teens are ready to help? To lead?

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