“And leaving the crowd behind, they took him with them in the boat to the other side” (Mark 4:36).

Ten years ago, my wife received a breast cancer diagnosis. This news rocked our world and set us on a busy path of research, doctors’ appointments, and subsequent treatments. Out of this experience, we also learned the difficult lessons of taking care of ourselves.

Every busy youth leader knows how impactful ministry can be on the physical, emotional, relational and spiritual resources of the body, mind and spirit. Ministry is difficult. We often are dealing with harsh realities in other people’s lives. There is not enough of us to go around. We cannot meet all the demands. The needs overwhelm us, and we grow tired—and perhaps in exhaustion, despondent, anxious or angry.

These realities can lead to deeper problems if we do not find refreshment, if we do not remember the need for Sabbath rest and renewal. Our bodies need rest, we know. So do our minds. So do our spirits. We need a break from ministry—even from the demands of people. Jesus Himself understood this. He kept the Sabbath. He also refreshed Himself and did not believe He could meet every need.

Consider your ministry. What needs do you have right now for renewal? For refreshment? For new learning opportunities? For stress-relief?

Think about these things: Where can you find this? When? How? Will you make the commitment to care for yourself so you in turn are able to care for others? Remember: You are a blessing. You cannot be a blessing to others unless you first receive the blessing into your own life.

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