From North Carolina, Craig Rainey is a singer/ songwriter who displays a determined, deep and passionate attitude to captivate and irresistibly draw the listener into his world.  His voice unleashes a rich palate of tones and textures from subtle, mournful, soulful accents to sentiments of rock, folk, alternative & blues.  So wherever you want to go, his soaring vocals and genre-bending style is a sure vehicle to take you there (think Ed Kowalczyk of Live meets John Lennon with Neil Young and Chris Cornell).

A product of a classic-rock upbringing his voice fits nicely with all the genres he covers.  He is one of North Carolina’s finest songwriters but his song arsenal is a collection of psychedelically-irresistible pop and underground hits new and old that all sound just like you want them to and eclectic and streetwise Americana originals that offer infectious hooks and  monster rhythms sure to remain stuck in your head.

Armed with raw emotion, an acoustic guitar and a startling groove, he single handedly and consistently delivers stinging verve and melodic, intelligent music in any form.  You owe it to yourself to check him  out!

A multi-instrumental musician, performer and songwriter entertaining, engaging, and moving crowds of  all ages since the late 80’s as a young guy, Craig has been a singer-songwriter and performer for most  of his adult life. Quality is his forte so expect the best, kick back & enjoy!


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