Collision: Is Christianity Good for the World?
Christoper Hitchens and Douglas Wilson
Level4, 2009, 90 minutes, $19.99,

In this corner we have Christoper Hitchens, a witty and prolific public intellectual whose recent book God Is Not Good makes him one of our era’s most famous atheists (or anti-theists, as he prefers to call it).

In that corner is pastor and evangelical theologian Douglas Wilson, who sought out Hitchens and debated him in a series of written exchanges that were published in Christianity Today and later a book.

Collision follows the two men as they take their debate on the road for a series of public debates and media appearances. Filmmaker Darren Doane lets the men’s personalities and passion carry the film, which doesn’t declare a winner. Instead, the winner here is a sense of mutual respect and dialogue Hitchens and Wilson extend to one another, even though they vociferously disagree.

Thoughtful viewers, no matter their age, will enjoy this fast-moving and stimulating film.

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