College Faith: Stay Strong, Make an Impact
Brian Raison
College 101 Seminars, 2007, CD-Rom, $24.95,

College 101: Strategies for 1st Year Success
Brian Raison
College 101 Seminars, 2007, CD-Rom, $19.95,

These two CDs are PowerPoint slideshows used in seminars to help prepare high-school students for college. College Faith is the version used by leaders for a group, while College 101 is intended to be a self-study version for students to use at home.

Through the use of video clips and Scripture in the slideshow, Brian Raison guides viewers through three elements of the transition from high school to college: knowing what’s coming, getting involved in a faith community and making an impact for God.

I wasn’t too impressed with either. From the cover art on the packaging to the presentation and the use of CDs instead of DVDs, it didn’t feel current. I also didn’t feel like the seminar version included enough resources to prepare me to lead what is supposed to be a six-hour class.

To that end, the self-study version includes more resources for using the discs. If I used this with my group I would feel better prepared, but it’s not something I see myself using; and I really can’t picture my teens sitting at their computers, using the self-study course.

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