Closing the Window: Steps to Living Porn Free
Tim Chester
IVP Books, 2010, 151 pp., $15.00

What a difference a few years make. It doesn’t seem all that long ago that the topics of sexuality, pornography and addiction were not treated in books for followers of Christ. In Closing the Window, Tim Chester describes the pornification of the church isn’t in the future—it is now. His research indicates that one out of three church attendees is struggling with the use of pornography on a regular basis.

Chester writes from the perspective of a Christian leader to Christian leaders. He presents sound cultural data and at the same time, invites the reader to evaluate his or her own life and the effects pornography has on each of us. He has chosen not to dumb down the language or use tantalizing stories, which often can be found in this genre.

Chester has utilized a good balance of Scripture, research data, story and quotes to illustrate his argument. He suggests what might be seen as a typical church/spiritual approach to winning this battle with his key ingredients in the battle against porn:

1. Abhorrence of porn
2. Adoration of God
3. Assurance of grace
4. Avoidance of temptation
5. Accountability to others

It is great that a Christian leader has taken the risk to write a book on a topic that at this point remains controversial. What is the church to do? Which programs are they to promote and support? What obligation do pastors and leader’s have to help those struggling with pornography and other addictions? If it is true that a third of people in churches are struggling with porn, according to Chester, then this book and 20 more should be written until our churches hear the alarm and address this issue.

If you are looking for one book that grabs you by the throat and won’t let go until you do something, may I suggest Every Man’s Battle by Arterburn, Stoeker and Yorkey, or Sex, Men and God by Weiss. If you desire a very thoughtful read and to add something to your library of helpful information, then this is your book.

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