Christianity Beyond Belief: Following Jesus for the Sake of Others
Todd D. Hunter
IVP Books, 2009, 199 pp., $22.00

Have you ever wondered what happens after you get people to trust in Jesus as Lord and Savior? So have they, according to Todd Hunter. The author challenges that new converts are left wanting true spiritual transformation if we reduce the gospel to forgiveness alone. In response, Hunter offers a kind of new “four spiritual laws” that aim to help us “be [God’s] cooperative people, living constant lives of creative goodness for the sake of others through the power of the Holy Spirit.”

While this book offers many  reputable, overarching ministry principles, I’d recommend it more for your own personal reading. You may find, as I did, that while Hunter explains himself well, his concepts and challenges don’t feel “fresh” as much as they feel rephrased. Still, that doesn’t detract from its worth, for there are some great illustrations and solid nuggets worth underlining here.

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