You’re sitting in the office when you get a call. A movie star from Europe wants to talk to you about Christianity and homosexuality. Only later do you realize you’ve been part of an elaborate hoax orchestrated by Sacha Baron Cohen, who plays Bruno, a gay, Austrian, fashion reporter, who travels around America and makes fun of attitudes about gays.

For Jody Trautwein, Youth Pastor of Point of Grace Church in Birmingham, Ala., a counseling session turned into a movie shoot. Trautwein didn’t realize he would be featured in the movie, which opened July 10; but he’s making the best of the situation.

Religion News Service reporter Greg Garrison interviewed Trautwein, who says he is thankful he had a chance to share his faith with Bruno, even though the meeting was disturbing for the youth worker.

Trautwein says he was duped by Cohen, but he’s thankful movie viewers will have a chance to hear at least some of his comments to Bruno.

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