Perception is everything. That being the case, the title and positioning copy for this book make it appear repugnant. But Phil Cooke, after acknowledging his title’s branding problem with stories of two offended friends, spins a masterful documentary of how marketing, branding and perception play powerfully in our world.

There’s no doubt your teens are more brand conscious than you ever were, and the author wants you to send the right messages to them. To him, branding is storytelling; and “it’s about the story that surrounds who you are—a story that creates focus for your ministry.” The chapter “Telling Your Story” helps you honestly and compellingly communicate who you are so that your audience can more easily fit your group into their mental categories and feel welcomed in.

Cooke’s solidly biblical worldview and ministry mindset combined with decades of experience in Hollywood production give him great credibility. He recognizes the atrocities committed daily by marketers but insists you can use their principles redemptively. After several exclamations of “This guy gets it!” it’s clear that careful application of his ideas could help move your ministry to a higher level—not for your sake but for the sake of the Kingdom.

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