Revell, 2006, 238 pp.,$24.95,

This book takes a look at raising sons form the perspective of fathers. Johnson paints an inspiring vision for raising a boy to be a man of God, and he focuses on the concept of intentionality. Johnson does not present a how-to book but, rather, focuses on helping a father develop his own unique plan for how to shape his boy into a man.

Perhaps the greatest element of Johnson’s book is found in the way he focuses on the heart of the father. Johnson challenges fathers to take honest inventories of their own lives, in that the greatest influence on a boy is in godly men modeling godly masculinity as a lifestyle.

Johnson is extremely honest and challenges fathers in the areas of self-discipline, self-control, anger, loving one’s wife, respect, sexual purity, and other difficult subjects. And he clearly lays out the qualities and characteristics that a father needs to intentionally teach through modeling and relationship with his son. This is a valuable tool for promoting godly masculinity.

Vicki Courtney uses biblical examples of motherhood, real-life experience, and lighthearted humor to deliver a unique guide to raising sons. Chapters take the reader on the mother’s journey from birth through graduation; and along the way we consider a number of relevant cultural issues, such as finding worth, idols, girls, and sex.

Mothers are challenged to help their sons gain independence while at the same time teaching them to make godly choices in the midst of these issues, including the all-important issue of finding a wife of virtue.

Throughout, mothers are encouraged to look at themselves, make changes where necessary and understand their sons in light of God’s Word. Your Boy is valuable for mothers who want to parent with purpose and as a tool for any person involved in youth ministry who desires to understand roles and spheres of influence.


Review by: BRIAN CARLSON , Director of Middle School Ministries, Woodmen Valley Chapel, Colorado Springs, Colorado. 

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