Group, 2005, 143 pp., $16.99,

Why another game book when there are several free youth ministry Web sites with hundreds of games on them (albeit, most non-FDA approved)? Because not all youth leaders are created equal when it comes to leading games so that kids understand the directions, have fun, and don’t just stand around. And I don’t think they teach Christie’s “Game Tips” through his book at Bible college — like how to choose cooperative games, determine the role of “it,” explain a game quickly, and handle challenging students. For those in the “games are a waste of theologically precious time” camp, Best Games Ever starts with thoughtful looks at the history, philosophy, and (believe it or not) theology of fun and games. He ends the book with “Worst Games Ever.” Ruh-roh…bye-bye, Mr. Chubby.


Danette Matty, freelance writer and 18-year youth ministry volunteer in Minnesota

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