Anthony Evans is very involved and passionate about his role with World Vision. He is committed to taking World Vision on the road with him to educate his audiences on the benefits of child sponsorship; is involved with them in a more international role; specifically supports Hope Child, a program aimed toward changing the lives and communities of children affected by HIV and AIDS in Africa; recently visited one of the children he sponsors in Malawi, Africa, and has a lot to say about his trip; does benefit concerts and supported his father, Dr. Tony Evans’ national ministry;  has a program called the Church Adopt a School Initiative, aimed at urban churches adopting urban schools to meet the immediate needs of the children and their families in these schools. The latter initiative provides mentoring, tutoring, and other social service programs that aid children and their families. The goal is to partner every urban church with a suburban church that can support the urban church in their endeavors; simultaneously, racial reconciliation is happening in the church.
The concept of “there never being a bad time or place for worship,” is one that Anthony no doubt learned from his father while growing up. Though the young artist has performed before everyone from Soul Train to President Bush, the notion of endless worship did not truly hit Anthony until he found himself alone on that bridge.
“We tend to live our lives backwards, allowing our emotions to dictate what we do. But I’ve discovered our emotions are not truthful. They have no intellect. Emotionally and physically we can’t control where we are or where we’re going. Only our spirit is connected to the Truth. So the spiritual side of us should lead the way…” Now everyday of Evans’ life is a step of faith, a conscious, deliberate effort to listen to the Spirit and connect with the Truth through his music and worship. “My previous albums have been about communicating ‘my story,’ but The Bridge is all about communicating with Him. This one is strictly vertical.
“Its about learning to worship in spite of our internal chaos, in spite of the pain. It’s dealing with transition, from what God had for us, to what He HAS for us. We will never rest if we’re trying to figure out what’s on the other side. It’s being willing to cross without knowing–yet still believing He loves us and that it will ultimately be great.”
For now, Anthony is content to communicate the music and the message of his new release The Bridge through his upcoming appearances and constantly-expanding calendar. When the artist is asked the obvious question: “What’s next?” he simply smiles and says, “That’s on the other side of the bridge. I haven’t seen that step – yet. All I know is what He’s told me: ‘Worship as you cross.'”

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