“But we do see Jesus, who for a little while was made lower than the angels, now crowned with glory and honor” (Heb. 2:9).

Many years ago, a friend related a story from his childhood. He had grown up in a government housing project, his single mother working two jobs to make ends meet. There were many Christmases when gifts were few, but his mother always taught him to be grateful, and she impressed upon him the need to give to others, even if their resources were meager.

Years later, after my friend had moved out of the housing project, he never forgot his mother’s lessons about generosity, and he made it a point to return to the apartment where he grew up. He would purchase gifts, go to that same apartment on Christmas Eve, and knock on the door. He would give the gifts to the family living there.

This is his Christmas Eve tradition to this day.

There are many ways we can give, of course—but when we think of God offering Jesus as the Gift of salvation, we can begin to see how living in this salvation frees us to extend this generosity to others. God gave first and continues to give. Our gifts are a response to this incredible grace.

There are many ways we can give, not just gifts wrapped in bright paper, but small acts of generosity, thanks and hospitality can make a large impact on others.  Words of gratitude, a kind note or even a phone call can be as the hands and feet of Jesus to others.

This Christmas, let’s not just open packages. Let us open our hearts, hands and minds, as well. As we have received, let us also freely give.

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